Protect What You Work So Hard For
CNG is committed to keeping your business protected from cyber-attacks with our highly-trained and certified security experts at their US-based security operations centers (SOCs). Protecting your network means protecting your business. When you leverage your security the right way, you can protect your network, your data, and ultimately everything you and your staff works so hard for.
Detect and Block Threats Before They Happen
When it comes to your perimeter, a properly configured firewall, reviewed and managed by a security expert is critical to your security. It only takes one mistake to allow a breach that could end your business!
Our experts design your firewall with an internal segmented approach. This additional security layer halts a hacker in his or her tracks.
With world-class technology, expert configuration, and consistent review, CNG builds a strong perimeter to protect you against cyber threats. Now more than ever, it’s important to ensure that your assets are protected. With a perimeter security plan in place, you have a defense system around your network to stop malicious attacks from entering.
Keep Your Inbox and Business Safe
Emails are a natural part of each of your team members’ day. A hacker’s preferred method of attack remains to be email because it’s easy. Converging Networks Group will ensure that your organization’s internal and external communications are secure to prevent threats in your inbox.
Our system protects from both common and advanced email threats. Our Managed Email Security funnels out the bad emails so they don’t reach your end users’ inboxes. In a world where business is run vastly through email, allow us to clear up the clutter.
Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus – keep unwanted & malicious emails out of your users’ inboxes
Sandboxing – detonate threats in a contained environment to keep your users safe
Phishing – train your users to detect & avoid phishing emails
Find the Vulnerabilities in Your Network Before Someone Else Does
It’s one thing to scan and spot problem areas in your network that are a security risk. It is quite a different ball game to act upon these problem areas and create a plan that can knock out these risks. Our Vulnerability Management (VM) service does just that.
With our VM Service, you will be able to see your current threats that face the inside and outside of your network. Don’t depend on manual processes to find all of your gaps.
Next, use your custom report to build a plan of action to oust your exposed risks by their rankings. Need to stay in compliance? No problem, we can take care of that too!
Vulnerability identification – over 400 new vulnerabilities are released each month
Executive reporting – we provide accurate, actionable intelligence
Prioritized risk – eliminate potential threats with strategic precision
Keep Your Data Secure On Lost Or Stolen Devices
Are your endpoints at risk outside of the office? Most likely, yes. Employees working remotely are more likely to be compromised than their in-office counterparts due to the lapse in security protection. Endpoint devices are the #1 target for cyber attacks. Luckily, we’re here to help. We help prevent malware and encrypt your data so that you can worry less about an employee clicking on malicious emails or the loss of a laptop which could negatively impact your business in a big way.
Endpoint security from Converging Networks Group stops a wide range of attacks with a combination of malware prevention, cloud-delivered endpoint protection, and device encryption services.
This process intelligently protects device data against theft, hacking malware, and accidental data loss.
Know When An Attacker Is On Your Network
Our managed detection and response services alert you of threats to your organization at the right time before the damage is done so that you’ll be well-equipped to stop any attack in its tracks. More companies are implementing SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) technology to easily collect, correlate and analyze data and security alerts from a central location. SIEM can then point companies to the areas that need the most attention.
But once a SIEM is in place, how can organizations be sure it remains effective over time? That’s where we come in.
Real-time monitoring – seconds matter when you’re detecting threats
Correlation & automation – actionable insights from advanced analytics
Reduce the noise – millions of logs are created, only a few matter
Risk Assessment
Whether you’re a healthcare provider in need of HIPAA compliance or an organization in need of an overall comprehensive risk assessment, we’ll help you determine where you are today and where your security strategy needs to go. A Risk Assessment provides a custom blueprint, based on your organization’s security, and builds a strategy to improve your security posture and reduce risk. A security Risk Assessment measures your level of risk in your network beyond the assets that you can list on paper.
Expert perspective – our security engineers are trained to quickly discover & reduce risk
Gain buy-in – get leaders & tech on the same page for intelligent spending
Efficient compliance – meet necessary requirements for your industry
Penetration Testing
Do you know how a hacker might be able to get into your network? Scans and assessments can’t guarantee this answer. With our penetration testing service, we do more than tell you where your security falls short, we show you. Our team can even provide you with a real-world attack simulation customized to your organization’s needs.
Our trained engineers simulate an attack while keeping a defensive and offensive mindset. This allows them to think like the hacker. Because if you can’t think like them, how can you protect yourself against them? The great part is your business won’t be interrupted while we do our thing and create a report to help you determine next steps to improve your security posture.
Actionable reports – we cover all the bases so you know where to start
No false positives – we confirm what we find
Comprehensive process – it’s not one tool, it’s the ability to impersonate a hacker
Incident Response
When a security breach or cyber attack occurs, it is crucial to know how to respond to help prevent future risk or damage to your network. That is why our Incident Response plan is designed to detect any evidence and find the root of the attack’s cause. There’s no time to waste when a cyberattack occurs. Our incident response service will find and eliminate the root cause of the attack, discover evidence, and fix the problem thoroughly. We bring systems back online so that you can safely get back to work.
After a breach, it is vital to decrease your down time and reduce as much direct and indirect costs that will incur. Not acting fast enough can vastly impact the financial and everyday aspects on how you are able to run business in the short and long run.
Containment – isolate affected systems to prevent further damage
Eradication -locate & eliminate the root cause of the incident
Recovery – all affected systems back into the environment