Tech Tips

Nothing on the Internet is Gone Forever

Nothing on the Internet is Gone Forever There is no Delete button on the Internet, so here are a few things to keep in mind… Even if you keep your social media private, when relationships change, this goes out the ...

Employee Awareness

Protect Your Business: The Importance of Employee Cybersecurity Awareness You! And your employees. Like it or not, human beings are our own worst enemies online, inviting hackers, viruses, data breaches, data loss, etc., through the seemingly innocent actions taken every ...

Consistent Updating and Patching

If You've Installed It, You Must Update It! There are thousands of hackers who get up every morning with one goal in mind: to find a new vulnerability in a commonly installed software (like Adobe, Microsoft Office, Chrome, QuickBooks, etc.) ...

Failover and Fallback

Setting Up Redundancy for Your IT Systems You’ve heard us talk about the importance of having a good backup that is “ransomware-proof,” meaning it cannot be infected if your network is infected. So, the first tip is to make sure ...

Dealing with Lost Devices

What to do if You Lose Your Laptop or Other Device So, you’re in the car on the way home from Starbucks, basking in the glow of consuming your triple-shot, low-foam, extra-hot pumpkin-spice latte, when you suddenly realize your laptop ...

What is the Dark Web

What is the "Dark Web" Anyway? The “dark web” or “deep web” is a part of the World Wide Web we know and love that is accessible only via a special software that allows users and website operators to remain ...

Prevent Ransomware

The #1 Thing You Can Do to Prevent Ransomware Did you know that the #1 threat to all organizations is internal employees? The people you trust to run your organization are the very same ones putting it at risk: downloading software they ...

Scareware Pop-Ups

If This Type of Alert Pops Up, DON'T Click On It! You’re working at your computer when suddenly – BAM! – you get a pop-up notification that your PC is infected with a virus and you must “click here” to ...

Choosing Strong Passwords

The #1 Way a Hacker Will Get You Is... A weak password is still the #1 way hackers break into your network. In fact, 81% of the total number of breaches last year utilized weak or stolen passwords! Here’s what ...

Prevent Tracking With DuckDuckGo

Don't Let Yourself Be Tracked Online To limit the data gathered on you when surfing the web, trade in your current search engine for DuckDuckGo. Unlike Google and Bing, DuckDuckGo doesn’t track you online, your history and searches, linking them ...


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